PolCo now for sale!
advICo's radiation hard DC/DC pol-converter is now being offered for commercial use.
PolCo is a key component for next generation communication satellites. Due to its radiation hard design it can also be used in nuclear (e.g. LHC) and medical (e.g. CT) equipment.
PolCo has been rigerously tested:
- supply voltages of up to 20V
- neon and xenon bombardement with LET values of up to 67.7MeV/mg/cm^2 (Si)
- different incident angles
No Latchup, SEB or other dangerous events could be observed.
- High input voltage: >12V
- maximum current >4A per chip, >10A with multiphase operation
- target efficiency >90%
- protection circuitry
- proven radiation hardness for total dose and single-event effects
PolCo may be purchased as interlectual property by customers in Europe, Asia and Americas. Please contact us for pricing and further details!